Sunday, January 30, 2011


I love scrapbooking. It is more fun and wayyy more creative then just putting pictures in photo albums. You get to add cute accessories and make the book your own. So when you look back at those pictures, you don't just see a picture, but you see a story. It is also a way to be artistic. I don't know what got me interested in scrapbooking, I mean, I love taking picture, so obviously I needed a place to put them all, but I guess I just needed a hobby, and what better hobby then making something that you will get forever, and when you look back on it, you will smile, and remember the good old days. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love scrapbooking too! I totally agree that scrapbooking is fun and artistic. You do a really good job with your personal post. Keep up the good work!
