Monday, February 7, 2011

Before I Fall (pg. 265 - 287)

Ending with day four of re-living Friday, Sam bonds with someone who is kinda shocking, yet very predictable, Kent. She doesn't want to go home, and since he walked in on her crying, he tells her she can stay at his a guest room, of course. They have those moment where she touches his arm, and feels nothing but warmth. She feels safer then she ever has, just standing in the room in the dark with him. She goes to bed, and wakes up in her own bed, on Friday, again.

So now it is day five. I really enjoyed this chapter. She wakes up, and going against what I predicted in the last chapter, she is happy and excited. She is happy because all the things she did yesterday, like fighting with her friends, and kissing her teacher, never happen. She is also starting to realise what is important in life. Like her little sister Izzy. So she stays home from school, and so does her little sister. She tells us the story of how when she was little, she tried to run away from home. She found this spot, a big flat rock out in the middle of the woods that overlooked a beautiful sight. This became her spot, and she would always go there to escape and enjoy life. When she became friends with Lindsey, she stop going to the spot.

On her list of things she must do in her life, one of them is to take Izzy to that spot that was once so important to her. So once they are home alone, they bundle up in some warm clothes, and head off. The first thing Sam notices, is nothing like she remembered. The big stream she had to cross, only takes one single step to cross, the giant hill that was like a mountain, is only a small incline, there are now house being built, so the spot is not out in the middle of nowhere. But thankfully in her eyes, the look out rock, is exactly the same.

Review: The first thing I really loved about this chapter, is we get to see another side of Sam. We have never seen how she acts with her family, or, her sister. We see that she loves her. Another thing, is that we learn that as children, the whole world seems big and wonderful, but as we get older, we start to see the flaws in life, and the world around us.

Word Count: 287/470

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