Sunday, March 6, 2011


In the film Spellbound, it shows different students competing in the national spelling bee. It shows the hard work they put into studying, and their family life. Two characters that stood out to me was Neil and Emily. Both students spent a great amount of time preparing and studying for the bee. It seemed to me Neil worked non-stop, and was drilled by his father to learn everything. He had a long 10 step process to spell words, and was all around motivated and good at spelling. However, it seemed to me he didn't enjoy studying or the pressure his father put on him. He did want to win though. Emily on the other hand works hard too. She works with her parents and makes flash cards. Emily also knows that spelling and studying isn't the only thing to do in life, and can't wait for when she can stop studying. She also doesn't believe she will win, and is just going out there to do her best. Her parents don't pressure her as much as Neil either. Both students work hard for the same reason, and they both did well in the bee.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it seems like Neil's father is way more into it then he is himself. He pushes him very hard and it seemed like Neil wasn't even that motivated or dedicated.
