Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Little Things That Make Me Smile

Off of this really cool website that has 1000 awesome things,  choose some of the stuff on the list that would be on mine if I made one:

1. Finding Money you didn't know you lost

2. Living with someone who doesn't mind killing spiders -- I hate spiders!!

3. Using Rock, Paper, Scissors to settle anything

4. Eating Cookies like a cookie monster

5. Roasting the perfect marshmallow -- the best thing ever

6. Getting in a line just before it gets really long

7. When the dog's really excited when your back home -- this makes my day, everyday!

8. Sitting on your freshly made bed and admiring your work after cleaning your room

9. The one person that laughs after telling a bad joke

10. When you open a book to the exact page you were looking for -- so cool, especially in school

Reading through some of the stuff on the list, and picking some for my blog, inspired me to make my own list. So when that one rainy spring day comes, I plan on sitting down and making a list of awesome things!! And I think you all should too. Because if your in a bad mood ever, reading the list will make you smile, like it did me.

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