Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pretty Little Liars (pg. 1 - 20)

Allison is the girl everybody wants to be like. There is just something about her that makes people love her. In 7th grade, she decides she wants three girls to be her friend. Aria, Hannah, Emily, and Spencer. Of course they want to be friends with her! So they become the best of friends. One night, the girls have a slumber party. Nothing abnormal about that. Allison says something that upsets Aria, which happens often lately. You see, Allison may seem like a really good friend, but she tends to tear her friends down. She also is the knower of all their secrets. So during the sleepover, Alison makes her friends let her try hypnotizing them. They don't want to, but listen to her anyway. Spencer back outs last minute, I think she got scared, and has a fight with Ally. Ally storms out, and Spencer feels bad so goes to find her. The others girls snap out of whatever trance they were in, and are scared. They each had a dream about Allison. It is then three years later, with still no sign of what happened to Ally. The girls all miss her, of course, but deep down they think it might be a good thing, because now the secrets are all safe.

Review: What made me want to read this book is the TV show, Pretty Little Liars. I heard the books are really good, and since I watch and like the show, I thought "why not?" The way this book started out was a before it all happened. It showed us how the girls were friends, and what their friendship was like. Ally, we see right away, isn't a good friend. She says mean things to her friends, and makes them do stuff.

Word Count: 20/286

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