Thursday, January 13, 2011

Before I Fall (pg. 53 - 82)

The first thing that happen was the girls, Samantha, Lindsey, Elody, and Ally, get ready the big party. It's a big, at least for Sam, because tonight is the night she is going to loose her virginity. Sam's friends help her get ready by making sure her outfit is perfect and sexy, her makeup looks good, and so on. They head to car, driving pretty recklessly, not to mention they all, including the driver, had been drinking. They drive through a creepy patch of road in the middle of the woods, before coming to a really big and nice home. This, of course, is where the party is being held. So they go to the party, which by this time is all ready full of people, and the group splits up. Samantha is all alone, and doesn't know who to go talk to (and she claims she is so popular) until her boyfriend comes, all drunk.

The girls go upstairs to chill from the noise and people. Their not doing much, just gossiping and drinking, and having a good time, when all of a sudden Juliet Sykes, who Sam describes as the class loser, come over to them. She looks at Lindsey and makes eye contact and says "Your a B****" she goes on to say how she is a mean girl and a bad person. She turns to each girl and says the same thing, this of course making Lindsey mad, very mad. And...Let's just say CAT FIGHT! Just kidding. It turns into your classic bullying scene. Everyone yelling "psycho" as they push Juliet back and forth. Sam, dumps her beer on her, where she the explains a look Juliet gives her, one that she says looks like Juliet feels sorry for her. The fight goes on a little longer, until Juliet runs out. Kent, the boy that has been crushing on Sam, gives her a sad look. He defends Juliet, Sam says some not-so-friendly things, and then the cops come.

The girls leave in their car, are smoking, when their car flips. Of course a fire starts, hello, they were smoking, and Sam dies. Then goes on to say we all think she deserved what she got, but then tells us to think about it, think about what she did is really so much worse then what everyone else does.

Review: These pages were pretty good. I got bored up until the little bullying part. I love drama. Not much really to review. I wasn't to impressed, and the death scene kind of disappointed me. I was expected a huge description and stuff, but that's not what I got.

Word Count: 82/470

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